
Monday, October 30, 2006

autumn fair

fresh, from yesterday, to give you a feeling of the simple fun people have in the villages around Ploiesti. i love the atmosphere and the candies :). the quality of the photos, for whatever reason, is not the best. nevertheless, enjoy the fair!


  1. I love events like this. Like a beer festival or village fests. Very amazing:)

  2. Hello there - Youve got some really kewl photos on this blog - I am thinking you should join the Daily Photo family so that more people will know about your blog - Eric of Paris Daily Photo started it and may be able to guide you better =)

  3. candies for everybody:)

  4. Excellent. Good to see some old tradiotions are still alive!

  5. When I saw your photos, I immediately had the same thought as did Kala. Please join us; we're like a "little family." And your photographs would be a lovely addition.

    The fair looks like much fun, and I'd like to have a go at those apples. Num!


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