
Thursday, November 25, 2010


What are you talking about? The bookworm I ate long ago. Now there is only a bookpidgeon!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Iasi, randomly

... through the lens of my deputy photographer.

And an indiscreet photo of bathing time, for Watery Wednesday.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

conference city Iasi

Recently I attended a conference in Iasi, Romania. I've never been there before, but now I am already planning my return. Thumbs up for the University and the organizers of the conference: it was so rewarding, academically, but also from the point of view of the people met there. Simply great!
One downside could be that I didn't see much from the city. But hey, this is why we are two, so he can go around taking photos while she is playing the intellectual :))...
Nevertheless, I managed to take few pictures, at night, from the hotel window.

That's my world.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Transalpina, Romania: my (friend's) world

I am not going to complain again that I miss (one of my) home(s). Because, if I am to accept the fact that I'm a traveler, I also have to accept that I cannot be in two places at once. Anyways, while talking to my friend Ramona on Sunday evening (that is until 1 AM in the morning, you know, girls talk...) I was also checking some photos from her last trip that she uploaded on facebook. No need to say that I was so impressed that I asked for one to publish here. And here it is: on Transalpina road, in Romania. Her world, my world. Enjoy!

yesterday's flowers

No clue what i was searching on my hard disk, when I bumped into these photos from last summer. Too vibrant not to show, especially since I'm in such a "garden mood" lately :).
Today's Flowers are actually in this case "yesterday's flowers" - but equally beautiful.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


A prehistoric animal trapped in mud. Or maybe just Earth got some more wrinkles. Or simply some children played. Who knows?
The weekend in b&w.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

yellow autumn

When I went to the backyard today I was amazed to see that all the leaves were down. Must have been the wind from the previous days. Nevertheless, I was inspired enough as to take a picture at the beginning of the week.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

Friday, November 12, 2010


The sunrise from home. One of them - the homes, I mean. I am still pendulating between two worlds, but I like it. I am a traveler, after all.
Happy weekend & happy sky watching!