
Saturday, February 04, 2012

the freedom of New Orleans (6) - of rainbows and colours

I was walking in the frozen streets of Bucharest yesterday, thinking that somehow those steps are familiar to me, although somehow foreign now. Weird double realities, weird double standards. I carry with me everywhere my Viennese habits and I am so surprised when I find out they are unknown here...
But enough with this cold, let's go back to walking in the streets of New Orleans and enjoy some warmth and some colours...


  1. c'est la fete, beau costume d'harlequin feminin

    Merci d'avoir participer au challenge "Walk In The Street Photography"

  2. Nice, colorful street shot.

    Regards and best wishes

  3. Pestriţă lume în acest oraş atât de cosmopolit. Aşa că şi sărbătorile sunt pe măsură de ...colorate! :-)

  4. Colors reflect confidence, I think! I say that as a staid New Englander with a vast collection of brown and black in the wardrobe! I admire their flare!

  5. Nice picture..;-D

  6. How colorful! Love the outrageousness of it all!

  7. Must be a fun event with such beautiful colourful costumes.


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