
Thursday, February 02, 2012

unknown Romania (1). the master of the fire.

A cold weather, colder than anyone expected. Alone the sight of the fire brings a warm feeling deep down into my bones, and this in spite of the fact that I was so looking forward for (some) snow. With -20 Celsius degrees frozen in the outside thermometer, a cup of hot tea and a woolen blanket seem to be pure luxury.

[Photo taken in Cheile Dambovicioarei, Romania.]
[My Facebook page is here. Like if you like it.]


  1. What a stunning photo! Very fiery! I like it :)

  2. When it gets close to 20 degrees C, not to mention 40, I too prefer to be close to a fire like this. You have caught the atmosphere just right :-)

    PS Problems with getting Blogger to accept comments today!

  3. A nice big fire!

  4. Schön anzusehen, aber ich denke an die armen, frierenden Menschen.
    Liebe Grüsse aus Wien

  5. Superba fotografie! Focul surprins in toata splendoarea.

  6. Muito interessante e ao mesmo tempo magnífica as sensações que sentimos a partir do lugar que moramos... Aqui no Rio de Janeiro estamos ardendo com um calor de 40graus!!!
    Também adorei ver as fotos do Carnaval, é bem parecido com o nosso.
    Bjs ☼


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