
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

of wine and autumn

Oh, you all, hail the new wine, it's finally here! As fresh as the air in one autumn morning, as yellow sometimes as the leaves of the vine, or red as the sun collapsed in the lake,
so young and so brave, so sparkling in glasses, so cheerful as those that this fine potion make... But careful, thou, after too many sips, it makes the brains of the humans get fuzzy like this...


  1. Da hast du recht, Wein und Herbst sind ein Thema, das zusammengehört!
    Frage: ist mein Rezept angekommen?

    Liebe Grüsse

  2. Liebe Lara, dort wo man "Rindfleisch mit Griessknödeln" isst, nämlich im Salzkammergut, wächst kein Wein, deswegen ist das eine Biergegend, allerdings lieben wir als Wiener den "jungen Wein"

    Liebe Grüsse

  3. My son will rejoice, he likes the young wine.

  4. Yes! DOn't drink too much! (Even of it's good.)

  5. Hi Lara! Jungwein, Beaujolais Nouveau... and they call it wine... At least in Portugal they name smething similar «água-pé» (Feet water); much more appropriate... ;))

    Blogtrotter has an astonishing display of works of art by contemporary artists in the streets of Bilbao for you to enjoy. Have a great week!


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