
Monday, March 23, 2009

musical flowers

Good morning! It's spring - moody and windy, but it's spring!
I am in a musical mood, so here is, together with my Flowers from Today, a piece of Wolfgang Ambros. Servus, Austrians :)!
The picture: chestnut tree in bloom at the Halbturn Palace in Burgenland, Austria. For more flowers, click on the logo above!


  1. Anonymous11:57 am

    Good Monday to you Lara!
    You have a spring, we have still a springwinter - snowing slowly, everywhere white landscapes, good skiing weather, so, thank you very much for your spring flowers!

  2. Oh, honey, I needed to see those flowers of yours. I still have oodles of snow outside my window and below freezing temps at night...sigh. I know all of my perennials are under the ground out there somewhere. I just have to be patient.

    Thanks for the little bit of spring.

  3. It's so nice with spring and flowers again.

  4. As you just have to click to get some flowers, of course I'm clicking! :-)

  5. I like your "musical flowers" very much.

  6. Lovely flowers!


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