... in front of the indulging eyes of Andy Warhol.

Genuss Festival from yesterday gave me the opportunity to visit
MQ, too. Believe it or not, now that I live most of the time here, there is no free day to go and linger there, in the sun. Oh, there was no sun either :)), but this is just a minor aspect...
Enzies must have been out by now, I thought, and indeed they were. I never check it on the internet before they take it out, because I like to be surprised ;). Candy Shop Pink they call this year's colour, but I see it more like raspberry. No matter what the name is, I still believe it is the nicest until now.

Outside my window there is again a rain cloud. Oh, well... I guess we have to wait a little bit longer till we can go and be lazy in the sun a whole day long...
Happy Sunday!
ps: for the ones in Vienna, the Festival is still ongoing today. In Stadtpark. Go go go :)!